Copyright & Content Policy
All rights to the original works belong to their respective authors and publishers. This site does not claim ownership over any of the translated content. The translations provided here are fan translations, created for readers who do not understand the original language.
If an official English version becomes available, I encourage readers to support the original work by purchasing or reading from official sources.
DMCA & Content Removal
If you are a copyright holder or represent the original author and would like any content removed, please contact me through the form on the FAQs page or send an email to [your email/contact info] with the following details:
- Your name and proof of authorization (if applicable).
- A link to the original work.
- A link to the specific content you wish to be removed.
I will review and take action as soon as possible.
Final Notes
This site is non-commercial and not intended for profit. It is a personal project created out of love for novels that I enjoyed and wanted to share with others who do not speak the original language.